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Okay Ladies and gentlemen, First allow me to tell you about and discuss the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, a man who has apparently died twice, Millions remember him dying in the 19 80s however it was announced on December 5 2013 that he had passed away. This supposed phenomenon of events being changed or time line manipulation if you will has became known as the Mandela effect. But is that what is really going on? i will tell you in a few moments what i think but let me finish telling you about nelson Mandela first. he spent 27 years in prison for his fight for justice and equality, and who became the first black president of South Africa. Born Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela on June 17, 1945, in Johannesburg, South Africa, Mandela grew up in a time when apartheid, the racial segregation policy of the apartheid government, was in full swing. Despite the challenges he faced, Mandela demonstrated a resilience and determination that would become a symbol of hope for millions of people around the world. In 1960, Mandela and other activists were arrested and charged with treason. He spent 27 years in prison, including a nine-year stint in the notorious Roben Island prison, where he would write books and continue his fight for freedom and equality. In 1993, after serving his sentence, Mandela was released and went on to become the National Party's presidential candidate in the first multi-party elections held in South Africa. He was elected, becoming the first black president of the country. Throughout his life, Mandela's message of reconciliation, unity, and equality has resonated with people from all walks of life. He believed that the key to overcoming prejudice and discrimination was to embrace dialogue, understanding, and the shared values of freedom. Mandela's legacy lives on through his commitment to social justice and equality, his inspiring speeches, and his enduring fight for a better world. Now as great of a person that he was however. The phenomenon known as the Mandela effect is very sinister, manipulating, and is in my opinion, going to be used, as part of the great deception mentioned in the bible. i know sounds a little out there in left field, or crazy as most would say, but just hear me out on this, thin you can decided for yourself what you want to believe, we are all entitled to are own opinions, and this is just mine. Now this is what the scripture says in the Geneva bible. The first english translation of bible. the 1599 Geneva Bible, Ephesians 6 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places. Pay careful attention to the yellow words on the screen. Trust me this does play into the Mandela effect and i will be getting