Amid escalating tension between India and Maldives, many Indian celebrities have taken to social media to urge people to explore Lakshadweep. Maldivian ministers used derogatory words against PM Narendra Modi in a social media posts. The tweets came after PM Modi’s tweet about snorkelling in the Lakshadweep. Actor Akshay Kumar said, “Why should we tolerate such unprovoked hate?” Actor Salman Khan also tweeted about the beautiful, clean and stunning beaches of Lakshadweep. Actor John Abraham said, “Lakshadweep is the place to go.” Actress Shraddha Kapoor tweeted, “Lakshadweep has such pristine beaches and coastlines…” Actor Tiger Shroff said, “Lost in the azure embrace, Lakshadweep islands have captured my heart.” Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar tweeted, “India is blessed with beautiful coastlines and pristine islands.” Watch the video to know more.