A girl in a wheelchair embarked on an epic wedding dress shopping journey. Unfortunately, at a prestigious bridal boutique, she encountered a snobbish consultant who clearly needed an attitude adjustment. First, the woman didn't believe that someone in a wheelchair could ever be a bride, and then proceeded to sell her dream dress to another customer. Did the consultant's biased behavior go unpunished? What about the girl? Was she able to get the wedding dress that she deserved?
This was another great episode about the prejudice shown to handicap people and people in wheelchairs. The manager was just intolerable. The social media influencer got her just desserts and Filip Walcerz got to save the day. All in all this was a DramatizeMe Special and a well deserving episode to be on this channel!
Great video discrimination is never okay everyone needs to respect the rights of people with disabilities I'm autistic my disability is invisible people don't know I'm on the Spectrum until I tell them but just because you can't see my disability doesn't mean it doesn't exist and I've never faced discrimination because of it I'm lucky and what that manager did was terrible destroying property giving away their most expensive dress as a disabled person I will always stand up for other differently abled people no matter what their disability is but as you said in an earlier video the only real disability is the inability to be kind and open your mind to things that really matter
She really shouldn't have been surprised that she was fired. She discriminated against a woman in a wheelchair (completely unforgivable by the way), gave the dress she wanted to some stuck-up, spoiled influencer whose parents definitely didn't give her enough attention, framed her for property damage just so she would buy some other dress, and let the influencer leave with a free dress that she didn't deserve. And frankly, it's no surprise that the influencer lost all of her followers after that. But she should've thought of that before flaunting her fame all over the wedding salon.
What really upset me was this still happens around and its disheartening. Thank you SO MUCH @DramatizeMe.Special for bringing this out to the crowd. More awareness on this is needed and channels like y'all make it possible. Very happy to have this video but hoping to see that this discrimination reduces in the near future!!!
The way the shopowner pointed out the fact that she was a totally disabled person in front of another customer who is not more than any other human like her is totally outraged and disgraceful in herself. Influencer is not always an indicators of the success of any business of someone. We need to judge people based on what that person bring inside out, not outward appearances.
The moral of this story is that disabled people deserve respect as much as the next person because we are all God's children.
I am very happy that Candy got the promotion because she treated her customer wi