In the 22nd century, two androids, Mother and Father, escape an Earth devastated by war between militant atheists and a religious order known as the Mithraic to colonize the planet Kepler-22b. They bring twelve human embryos with them to begin a new peaceful civilization based on atheistic values. The planet has harsh conditions and is covered by large, seemingly bottomless pits. Twelve years later, only one child, Campion, has survived out of six children initially born. Mother starts malfunctioning; in her sleep she sees the war on Earth, and herself flying. As a Mithraic ship arrives in orbit, Father attempts to contact them to take care of Campion; Mother does not approve the plan, and disables Father in a confrontation; Campion sends a signal to the Mithraic. A group of the Mithraic arrive at the colony. After staying a night, they try to disable Mother and take Campion with them; they fail after Mother discovers new abilities and defeats them. Mother goes to the Mithraic ship in orbit; she takes control and sets the ship for collision with the planet; the ship crashes with a huge explosion. Mother returns to Campion with five children that she stole from the ship.