London armed robbery

LondonWorld 2023-11-14

Views 934

Video footage published by the Met Police shows an armed robbery in a Tesco supermarket in north London.
Detectives are trying to identify three males in connection with the investigation.
Police were called at around 5.40am on Sunday October 1 to a report of an armed robbery at Tesco in Camden Road.
Two male suspects entered the store, and while one produced a handgun and pointed it staff, the second stole items.
Around 40 minutes later, the same suspects went into the Nisa Local in York Way and carried out an identical robbery.
At around 3.20am on October 4 police say the same two suspects went into the Nisa again, this time accompanied by a third male. The group waved a handgun, a knife and a hammer at members of the public before stealing goods.
Full story at
(Video by MPS)

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