Another Fascinating Technology Seen At I/ITSEC 2008! It is one thing to simulate an aircraft, it is another to be able to not only simulate the vehicle but allow a full simulation of the mission that vehicle may be asked to undertake. According to SAIC, flight mission trainers are efficient and effective training devices that can help junior pilots acquire flying skills and help experienced pilots become familiar with new operating procedures associated with collective mission training. Science Applications International Corporation’s (SAIC) new air mission trainer (AMT) is based on our virtual trainer product line. The AMT establishes a flexible technical baseline that can easily support the implementation of both fixed- and rotary-wing flight variants. The AMT immerses the student in a rich and dynamic synthetic environment with more than 20 specific geographic locations and 40 real-world airfields. The AMT is a network simulator that can link pilots together to fly in the same airspace. Ground simulators, such as the common driver trainer (CDT), also can be integrated into the same battlespace, providing the platform to conduct mission training in a joint environment. The first variant implemented in the AMT program is the rotary-wing variant (RWV). The RWV uses a high-fidelity, rotary-wing cab that simulates the Bell 206/OH 1 family of helicopters. It is mounted on a full-motion, six-degree-of-freedom platform that provides additional stimuli as participants execute their collective and command-and-control tasks. The AMT provides the means to conduct more effective and focused training, while reducing training costs and overcoming training area, weather and time constraints. Additional synergy can be achieved by integrating multiple air and ground virtual trainers, as well as computer-generated forces to provide effective mission training in a joint environment. Capabilities • Provides mission training in various environmental, light and weather conditions • Facilitates mission traini...