On Tuesday, October 3rd, the Delhi Police visited the official residence of CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury as part of their continuing efforts to investigate entities and journalists associated with NewsClick, the online news portal recently accused by The New York Times of potentially receiving Chinese funding. Yechury clarified that the police action was not directed at the CPI-M, emphasizing that their primary objective was to locate the son of a party office staff member who is employed at NewsClick as a graphics artist.
The Press Club of India on X said, ""The Press Club of India is deeply concerned about the multiple raids conducted on the houses of journalists and writers associated with #Newsclick. We are monitoring the developments and will be releasing a detailed statement.
""The PCI stands in solidarity with the journalists and demands the government to come out with details.
Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate also slammed the government over the raids.
Peoples Democratic Party President Mehbooba Mufti described the raids as a ""fishing"" expedition.
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