Android 7 is a new operating system that makes yoursmartphone faster, secure and smarter. Some of themainfeatures of Android 7 aremain features of Android7areMulti-window UI: You can run two applications at onceMultiwindow like messaging while watching a movie, or openinglike messaging while watching a movie, or openinga, a timer while reading a recipetimer while reading a recipeDirect Reply Notification: You can have miniDirect Reply Notification: You can have miniconversations right in the notification without openingconversations right in the notification without openingany applicationany applicationNew and improved emojiAndroid 7 features 72 newNew and improved emojiAndroid 7 features 72 newemoji, as well as male-female versions of older emojiemoji, as well as male-female versions of older emoji,reaction, animal, profession, sports, food, travel reaction, animal, profession, sports food, travelPro Security Android 7 has many securityrelated culture,improvements like file-based encryption, direct boot, weather, time, symbol, contextual, response pratishruti-pratishruticulture, weather, time, symbol, contextualresponsepratishruti-pratishruti-pratishruti pratishruti-pratishrutiGoogle Daydream VR: Android 7.1 supports Google'sDaydream VR platform, which helps you experiencesimple, high-quality virtual reality seamless updates, data saver, notification controls,display size adjustment, JIT compiler, Vulkan APIDoze on the Go
AiWith the help of voice