Question: Does the Kingdom also subscribe to "The Sinner's Prayer"? Or do you have your own version of it?

KJC Powerline 2023-07-27

Views 17

Question: Does the Kingdom also subscribe to "The Sinner's Prayer"? Or do you have your own version of it?

The sinners' prayer is through repentance. Which says, “Father, from now on, I understood Your New Agreement between me and You. That from now on, not my will but Your will be done in my life. That is repentance here in the Kingdom.

In the moment that you come and enter into the Covenant, Covenant is the Agreement, the contract that you will sign with your commitment by repentance. And then obedience, loyalty and dedication to do that Will from that time on, you go through the Baptism of water in identification with His life and you go through the Baptism of Fire (1 Corinthians 3:10-15) in order for you to prove yourself to be genuine in your commitment so you are proven to be gold in the sight of the Father.

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