Police made a teenage boy's dreams come true - by ARRESTING him

SWNS 2023-05-31

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Police made a teenage boy's dreams come true - by ARRESTING him.

Eisa Khan, who has Down syndrome, was nicked in Bradford, West Yorks.

He was on his way home from a disability football game when he and mum Shabana, 34, flagged down an off-duty officer.

Eisa, 13, was then arrested - to his delight.

Shabana, a full-time carer, said: "Eisa loves the scenes and loves to act things out.

"When the police officer came to talk to him, he decided to get out of our car and walk to the police officer's car with his hands behind his back pretending to be arrested.

"As Eisa did that the police officer decided to go along with him and let him sit in the back of the car for a few seconds, which was amazing."

Eisa has an interest in both acting and the police force - and many of his performances involve putting bad people in jail.

Shabana added: "He loves acting out and putting people in jail and loves the blue lights.

"He's always pretending to play games of him being a policeman, he loves speaking and interacting with them.

"He's always been interested in playing and acting, and always says on TikTok to his fans that Mama is going to jail because she makes me go to school.

"He loves to joke about it all and this literally made his dreams come true to actually play out the scene in real life.

"We have a few community support officers that come to our football group on a Saturday to support us at Bradford City Disability Football Club.

"They come and always have a kick about with the kids Eisa doesn't leave their side as he absolutely loves them."

Shabana said seeing Eisa happy is always a special experience - and it means a lot when people go out of their way to do something nice for him.

She said: "The most amazing part of this was the officer who was absolutely amazing he gave Eisa the time.

"Even when I asked, 'I don't want to hold you up if you're busy', he said. 'No this is what it's all about, being part of the community and showing people that we are here'.

"That made his day. We tried to offer lunch from Greggs but he refused.

"I am so happy and couldn't thank the officer enough for what he did for Eisa, who has Down syndrome.

"The impact he has made on him is absolutely amazing. He adores the police force and just showing that kindness the way he did is a moment that he will cherish forever."

The wholesome moment has been viewed by thousands online.

However, some people have left nasty comments on the video.

Shabana said: "The negative comments we really don't like to entertain. But they do come which isn't nice - as you can clearly see how happy he is.

"The negative comments we did get were being nasty about Down syndrome, or silly jokes like he's going .. DOWN... clearly making a joke of his disability.

"Eisa loves who he is and we all do."

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