With a following of millions on social media, actress Sunny Leone fought her way into Bollywood after starting out in adult films and appearing in India's reality show "Big Boss". She talks to Eve Jackson about her police corruption film "Kennedy", which is premiering in the Midnight Screening section. Also on the programme: Oscar-winning French actress Juliette Binoche's gastronomy movie "Pot au feu", filmed with Michelin-star dishes made by top chef Pierre Gagnaire.
With a record number of African films premiering at this year's Cannes Film Festival, we also chat to Congolese Belgian musician Baloji about his first feature film "Omen".We then bring you a special report about Cannes' exclusive parties, and we hear tributes to legendary rock 'n' roll singer Tina Turner, who appeared in Cannes back in 1975 with Ken Russell's film "Tommy".
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