Daybreak - album Daybreak 1971

Michael666u7 2023-05-17

Views 30

Taped from the original album.

Daybreak was a high school band from Pearl River, New York. Their unique album was recorded in just five days in an old town church used s a recording studio, in a true live feel performance. The album was released in just 400 copies. Bruising riffs, wheezing keyboards and primal drumming here, the vocals fall somewhere between savage snd spooky, whilw bursts of distorted fuzz add an extra suty facto to the proceedings. The album is composed of originals and covers.
Mike Ciulla - vocals, kazoo.
Craig Kozlow - leag guitar, vocals.
Ricj Alper - organ, saxophone, vocals.
Vince Seplesky - bass, vocals.
Bruce Pollack - drums, vocals.

Can't get down.
Down by the river.
(I'm only)Half there.
(we're gonna) Rock around the clock.
Nights in white satin.
Monster, suicide, America.
Alone again.

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