Dheeraj Dhoopar's wife Vinny Arora wears pendant made of breast milk, son's umbilical cord stump. Celebrity couple Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora have welcomed a baby boy. Vinny has been documenting several aspects of her pregnancy and motherhood journey on social media, including a unique pendant made with her breast milk and her son's umbilical cord stumpDuring the Q&A session, a fan asked Vinny about her stunning pendant that the actress has been spotted wearing on several occasions. Vinny shared a pic of her wearing the pendant and answered, “First thing first, this Breastmilk + Zayn’s umbilical cord pendant is made in gold by momsmemoiirs_bysaakshimehra”.Watch video to know more
#dheerajdhooper #vinnyarora #vinnyaroraSonZayn #vinnyaroraSonZaynBreastmilkPendant