This is a 02 minutes short video on how to get control of your habits which is taken from the book summary of the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg teachsimple channel. In this video, we'll discuss some of the key concepts in the book and how they can help you develop positive habits and break bad ones.
"The Power of Habit" is a book that is based on the idea that habits are the building blocks of our lives. Habits are automatic behaviors that we repeat on a regular basis, often without even realizing it. According to the book, by understanding the science of habits, we can learn how to create new positive habits and break old bad habits.
The habit loop consists of three parts: the cue, the routine, and the reward.
The cue is the trigger that initiates the habit. Suppose you have craving for fast food and suddenly you find French fries which increased your craving at extreme level (Then in this condition fast food will be your Cue / Trigger).
the routine is the behavior itself (In this example you saw junk food and you just can’t resist to it and started eating it out, (That's routine or the action generated against trigger)
and the reward is the outcome that reinforces the behavior. (In this case if your target was to loose weight then the outcome will be negative)
By understanding the habit loop, you can identify the cues and rewards that drive your habits.
If you want to get rid of Bad Habits. You have to change Cue with new Positive Ones to create new positive habits.
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