Today's "Dave Emmons Show" guests are Dr. Robert W. McGwier and La La Laura Bright (recorded today, 3-24-23). Dr. Bob talks about UFOs and his scientific research into the phenomena using modern technology with advanced cameras to take pictures of UFO craft. His research is mainly surrounding La La's experiences with ghosts and ETs. Laura La La talks to ghost and ETs and tells us what they say. She is psychic and does readings for people. Her ET and UFO experiences bring Dr. Bob and her together in a mutual quest for the truth. They both have been asked to do TV, and Radio shows discussing their experiences with the high strangeness. Dr. Bob tells us about his UFO/ET experiences that got him to research the phenomena further. He puts a scientific analysis behind what La La has experienced and still experiencing with ghosts and ETs. La La Laura Bright is a psychic, medium, and experiencer that has had supernatural things happen to her since childhood. Her father was an experiencer of the supernatural also. Dr. Robert McGwier has a Ph.D. in applied math, is an engineer in quantum theory, and is a faculty member at the Universities of Scranton and Virginia Tech. They both have pictures on FaceBook,, and contribute to UAP Scientific Coalition.
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