Neetu Kapoor & Kareena Kapoor showers Love on Alia Bhatt for her Birthday, says- Bahurani. Neetu Kapoor shared a birthday post for her 'bahurani (daughter-in-law)' Alia Bhatt, who turned 30 on March 15. Neetu dropped a photo of Alia as she wished her on her birthday along with a sweet note that read, "Happy birthday BAHURANI (daughter-in-law). Only love and more love," followed by a crown emoji. kareena kapoor khan had a sweet birthday wish for Alia Bhatt. She took to her Instagram story to share a cute throwback picture of her kissing Alia Bhatt on the cheek. The monochromatic picture shows Alia Bhatt grinning widely, and the picture is just too adorable. Along with the picture, Bebo also showered her love on Alia, calling her the best actress ever. Kareena wrote, "Happy Birthday to the best actress you so much Alia. Sending you a big hug from your favourite place." Watch Video to know more
#AliaBhattBirthday #NeetuKapoorWish #KareenaKapoorWish