Krishna Mukherjee enjoys her Mehndi ceremony, Hukka Video goes viral. Yeh hai Mohabbatein fame Krishna Mukherjee is all set to tie the knot on March 13 in Goa with deck officer Chirag Batliwalla. The wedding festivities kicked-off on Saturday (March 12) with the mehendi ceremony. Krishna was seen sporting a gorgeous festive outfit in green colour with a choker and maang tikka. The actress was all smiles and enjoyed the night by sipping Hookah and dancing to popular numbers. The function saw the presence of her close friends Jasmin Bhasin, Aly Goni, Shireen Mirza who came with husband Hasan Sartaj and Ruchita Sharma among others. They were all seen enjoying Punjabi music and bolis. Watch Video to know more
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