Newlyweds Maanvi Gagroo and Kumar Varun hosted a post-wedding bash in the city. Many celebs were seen in attendance at the party. Sayani Gupta, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Patralekhaa and Rasika Dugal were seen at the bash. Maanvi looked beautiful in a pink lehenga. Kumar Varun looked dapper dashing in a black suit. The couple were all smiles as they posed for the paparazzi. Actor Maanvi Gagroo tied the knot with Kumar Varun on February 23. Maanvi shared the special news on social media and posted lovely pictures from the wedding. For her special day, Maanvi opted for a red embroidered saree with a matching veil while Kumar Varun wore an ivory sherwani. Watch the video to know more.