More than crops, more than pieces of paper, more than the environment, more than paintings, more than numbers, more than anything else, we want to protect human and animal life.

Hikaru Piano 2023-02-13

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More than crops, more than pieces of paper, more than the environment, more than paintings, more than numbers, more than anything else, we want to protect human and animal life.

Mais do que culturas, mais do que pedaços de papel, mais do que o ambiente, mais do que pinturas, mais do que números, mais do que qualquer outra coisa, queremos proteger a vida humana e animal.

Haluamme suojella ihmisten ja eläinten elämää enemmän kuin satoa, enemmän kuin paperia, enemmän kuin ympäristöä, enemmän kuin maalauksia, enemmän kuin numeroita, enemmän kuin mitään muuta.

Più dei raccolti, più dei pezzi di carta, più dell'ambiente, più dei quadri, più dei numeri, più di qualsiasi altra cosa, vogliamo proteggere la vita umana e animale.

Mer än grödor, mer än papper, mer än miljön, mer än målningar, mer än siffror, mer än allt annat vill vi skydda människors och djurs liv.

Mehr als Pflanzen, mehr als Papier, mehr als die Umwelt, mehr als Bilder, mehr als Zahlen, mehr als alles andere wollen wir das Leben von Menschen und Tieren schützen.

Plus que les cultures, plus que les morceaux de papier, plus que l'environnement, plus que les tableaux, plus que les chiffres, plus que tout, nous voulons protéger la vie humaine et animale.

Больше чем урожай, больше чем лист бумаги, больше чем окружающая среда, больше чем картины, больше чем цифры, больше чем что-либо еще, мы хотим защитить жизнь людей и животных.


Bardziej niż uprawy, bardziej niż kartki papieru, bardziej niż środowisko, bardziej niż obrazy, bardziej niż liczby, bardziej niż cokolwiek innego, chcemy chronić życie ludzi i zwierząt.

작물, 종이 조각, 환경, 명화, 숫자, 무엇보다 사람과 동물의 생명을 보호하고 싶습니다.

Più che i raccolti, più che i pezzi di carta, più che l'ambiente, più che i capolavori, più che i numeri, più che qualsiasi altra cosa, vogliamo proteggere le persone e gli animali.

We don't want to create new life, we want to save life that is alive now. If everyone becomes vegan, many lives will be saved. If everyone shines light on the darkness, the darkness will disappear. Let's support more people who save lives, protect lives, and support lives. Those who protect are exhausted and those who hurt are lining their own pockets. People and animals are being hurt and killed by violence. There should not be lives that cannot be saved because there is no paper, nor crimes that occur because there is no paper. Money belongs to everyone, and for the state to monopolize money and take away people's freedom is unacceptable to us as fellow human beings. The state is an institution to stop violence and protect people and animals, not paper and buildings. The state must not promote violence. Lives are lost and taken for paper and objects. I would rather protect the lives of people and animals than masterpieces, buildings, stones, paper, and greed. We must never allow people and animals

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