WWF Monday Night Raw 02 21 1998 | Satellite Feed | Raw Saturday Night

magus7000 2023-01-18

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This is a satellite feed of WWF Monday Night RAW, which aired on a Saturday for that week because of the Westminster Dog Show. You get to hear some of the production cues and discussions amongst the commentators in between matches, as well as some chatter during the actual matches that didn't make it to air. Some of the segments aired out of order from when they were filmed.

00:00 Show Open
01:03 Legion of Doom vs Quebecers
14:32 Unaired Commentary
18:14 Ken Shamrock vs Sniper
28:19 Unaired Jerry Lawler During a Commercial
30:03 Marc Mero and Sable Interview
37:00 Jim Cornette Video Promo
39:23 Rock N Roll Express vs Headbangers
49:40 Unaired Commentary
51:15 The Rock Gives the NOD Gifts
56:21 Faarooq vs Steve Blackman
01:00:02 Unaired Jim Ross Talks to Crowd
01:04:00 Stone Cold Interview
01:08:24 Unaired Commentary
01:09:22 Owen Hart vs Jeff Jarrett
01:20:08 Unaired Commentary
01:21:30 Kane Attacks Michael Hayes
01:24:49 Unaired Commentary
01:27:18 Brian Christopher & Pirata Morgan vs. TAKA Michinoku & Aguila
01:37:12 Unaired Sunny Pants Crowd
01:39:05 Marc Mero & Goldust vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie

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