Holiday season is upon us, and it officially kicks off with Halloween.
Naturally, scary stories are being posted on social media by the masses. And they aren’t just your run of the mill, all in good fun tales either. If you want to freak yourself out with some truly spellbinding tales, you’ve come to the right place. These eight true scary stories are just skimming the cream of what reality has to offer, and they’re sure to unsettle even the most unflappable of souls.
The rational part of our brain tells us that there is nothing weird about coincidences; when you have all of human history to work with, you're going to find some spooky "What are the odds?" situations. So whether they are mere coincidences or bad omen, you decide.
Amid all the harmless activities like trick-or-treating, sometimes genuinely frightening and disturbing things can happen. October 31 has been the date of some horrific murders and unexplained disappearances which are far more terrifying than any ghouls, goblins, or witches. Because they happened to take place on Halloween, the following stories have an extra aura of creepiness to them.
So while most of you might be dressing up in your Halloween costumes and attending Halloween parties and some of you might be watching your favorite Halloween movies like Halloween, Scream, Nightmare On Elm Street, Trick Or Treat, Haunting Of Hill House, Friday The 13th, etc... Some people might actually be facing real life horror, which might not be sinister but might most certainly be true.