On Durga Ashtmi occasion, vibrant pandals with idols of Goddess Durga are set up and devotees come to offer prayers to the goddess. Bollywood Actress Kajol and Rani Mukherjee looks resplendent in Saree as They arrived at Durga Puja pandal with Tanishaa Mukerji. Kajol and Rani Mukerjee celebrates the festival every year with her family and friends and makes sure she visits the pandals and seeks blessings. The actress was spotted in the city today as she arrived at a Durga Puja pandal along with her sister Rani Mukerjee Tanishaa Mukerji and they all looked absolutely beautiful.Watch Out
#Kajol #RaniMukerji #KajolTraditionalLook #DurgaPuja2022 #ViralVideo