SC House , Advances Near-Total Ban , on Abortion.
House Bill 5399 was passed on Aug. 31.
If it passes the Senate, it would ban abortion in SC in almost all cases regardless of the stage of pregnancy.
An exception for rape or incest is granted in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
A woman seeking such an exception would be required to report her assault to law enforcement.
The bill also makes exceptions for when the
life or health of a pregnant women is in jeopardy.
The bill goes on to list examples of when this exception might be granted.
A woman who violates the legislation risks a felony charge, up to two years in prison and a fine of $10,000.
The abortion provider would also be at risk of charges and damages up to $10,000.
The bill comes after the state's Supreme Court temporarily blocked enforcement
of a six-week abortion ban.
The ban severely restricts abortion after the detection of a "fetal heartbeat.".
Proponents of the ban maintain that a "fetal heartbeat" can be detected as early as four weeks into pregnancy.
The concept is controversial on a number of fronts, specifically as the heart is
not developed until the tenth week.