Morgan Freeman has been Oscar-nominated several times
.. Join the U.S. Air Force immediately after graduation from high school
He stayed in military service for five years as a radar specialist before studying representation at Los Angeles College.
Freeman was injured by a car accident near Ruleville , Mississippi. The car he was traveling in went off the highway track and overturned several times. He and his companions were saved.
Morgan Freeman's artistic career is very exciting.
Oscar nominations
Best Supporting Actor 1988 for Street Smart
Best Lead Actor in 1990 for Driving Miss Daisy
Best lead actor in 1995 for The Shawshank Redemption
Best supporting actor in 2005 for "Million Dollar Baby" and won it
Best Lead Actor 2010 for Invictus
Golden Globe nominations
Best Supporting Actor 1988 for Street Smart
Best lead actor in 1990 for Driving Miss Daisy and won it
Best lead actor in 1995 for The Shawshank Redemption
Best Supporting Actor 2005 for Million Dollar Baby
Best Lead Actor 2010 for Invictus