Galaxi Roller Coaster (Sylvan Beach Amusement Park - Sylvan Beach, NY) - Roller Coaster POV Video - Front Row

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Galaxi is a steel roller coaster built by Italian manufacturer SDC currently located at Sylvan Beach Amusement Park in Sylvan Beach, New York, USA.

The opening of Galaxi was delayed due to a family of Osprey birds that had nested at the top of the coaster during Sylvan Beach Amusement Park's closure for the 2021 season stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Osprey birds are an endangered species and can be particularly territorial as well. Sylvan Beach contracted with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The park's owners made the decision to allow the birds to remain in their new home for the remainder of the 2021 season. In an interview, owner Doug Waterby said, “We’re going to allow the osprey family to develop and let nature take its course. We’ll be working around it as we do some restoration work in that area, but we’ll stay away far enough for the mother and its chicks.”

Around August and September each year, Osprey migrate to Central and South America. At this time their old nest will be relocated and Galaxi is then expected to open for the 2022 season.

Ospreys are a protected species under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. They are also considered a present form of raptors. Earlier in 2020 and into 2021, VelociCoaster at Universal Orlando Resort also had a family of Osprey taking refuge on that roller coaster which brought significant challenges to the construction process and opening.


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