Mika Singh and Akanksha Puri are the talk of the town as they are spotted together for the first time after Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti. People are saying that the couple doesn't compliment each other at all and it's all just fake. For your information Mika Singh Ex-girlfriend Akanksha Puri won the reality show Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti which was started with an aim to get Mika Singh married. You'll be surprised knowing that Mika Singh has rejected over 200 Rishtas in the past 20 years. Mika Singh Akanksha Puri Trolling Video | Mika Singh Akanksha Puri gets trolled | Mika Singh | Akanksha Puri | Mika Akanskha Marriage | Mika Akanksha Wedding | Mika Akanksha Spotted | Mika Akanksha gets trolled | Mika Singh Swayamvar Winner | Mika Di Vohti winner Akanksha Puri
#MikaSinghAkankshaPuriWedding #MikaSingh #AkankshaPuri