Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh paid tributes to soldiers at the National War Memorial in Delhi on Tuesday. Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year on July 26 in memory of the servicemen who lost their lives in the 1999 Kargil War. It is a day to honour our brave fighters of the Indian Armed Forces who achieved the heights of Kargil from the Pakistani infiltrators.
Meanwhile, Trinamool Congress leader Partha Chatterjee, who was admitted to AIIMS Bhubaneswar on Monday, landed at the Kolkata airport early Tuesday morning, from where he will be taken to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) office at CGO complex Saltlake.
Following this, the ED, which is probing the money trail in the alleged scam, prayed for 14-day custody of Chatterjee before a special court. The probe agency said the mountain of cash found at Chatterjee's aide's home belonged to the minister.