1) Bird Watching HQ: https://birdwatchinghq.com/
Scotts Interview: https://bit.ly/ScottKellerInterview
Youtube: @BirdWatchingHQ
Scott Keller:
"But suddenly you realize you've climbed a ladder you never really wanted to climb in the first place. The ladder I wanted was the ladder across the room."
2) Ben Tossell Twitter Thread: https://bit.ly/BenTossellTwitter
Ben's Makerpad website: https://www.makerpad.co
Nomad List Website: https://nomadlist.com
Nomad List P&L Thread: https://bit.ly/PnLThread
Nomad List Failures Thread: https://bit.ly/NomadFailures
Ben Tossell:
"My mission is to explain that you don't need to learn to code to build a business on the internet and automate work. Whether you're building a personal website, looking to automate your work or start working on a business idea, no-code is the simplest way to do them all."
3) Chris Lollini LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrislollini
Reputation Igniter: https://ignite.reviews
ThatCompany: https://www.thatcompany.com/marketplace
Chris Lollini:
“Find somebody who’s gone before you, and do whatever you need to do to earn their mentorship and guidance.”
4) HerFirst100k: https://herfirst100k.com
Tori's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@herfirst100k
Tori Dunlap:
"We won't have true equality until we have financial equality."
5) Their Website: https://secondtimesellers.com
Them on Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/str/secondtimesellers
FB Marketplace: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace
Craiglist: https://www.craigslist.org
Offerup: https://offerup.com
Bidadoo: https://www.bidadoo.com
UShip: https://www.uship.com
“The great thing about this business is that you can come into it knowing zero."
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