Tangis Ribuan CPNS dan Tenaga Honorer Pecah! Saat Terima SK Pengangkatan - 72 / 5.000 Hasil terjemahan The Cry of Thousands of Civil Servants and Honorary Workers Broke! When Receiving Appointment Decree

Aso Bumo 2022-06-17

Views 52

Tangis kebahagiaan yang penuh rasa syukur mewarnai penyerahan 1.585 surat keputusan, atau SK pengangkatan calon pegawai negeri sipil dan pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja, atau P3K, di lingkungan Pemerintahan Kabupaten Lebak, Banten.

Surat keputusan yang diterima para pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja atau yang lebih dikenal dengan tenaga honorer ini, menjadi akhir penantian panjang atas kerinduan mengabdi sebagai aparatur sipil negara.
Tears of gratitude filled with joy colored the handing over of 1,585 decrees, or decrees on the appointment of prospective civil servants and government employees with work agreements, or P3K, within the Lebak Regency Government, Banten.

The decision letter received by government employees with work agreements or better known as honorary workers is the end of the long wait for the longing to serve as state civil servants.

At the same time, this is the beginning of the servants of this country bringing good changes to the nation.

Also read BKN Asks People to Beware of Fake Calls Regarding Substitute CPNS
The emotion was felt even more, when the Regent of Lebak, Iti Octavia Jayabaya, approached and congratulated directly the recipients of the decree who had previously been honorary workers.

The Lebak Regency Government submitted a decree of appointment to 1,585 CPNS and honorary staff.

With details, there are 192 CPNS, 39 non-teacher honorary staff, and the most part is 1,354 honorary teachers.

Sekaligus, menjadi awal para abdi negara ini membawa perubahan baik bagi bangsa.

Baca Juga BKN Minta Masyarakat Waspada Panggilan Palsu Terkait CPNS Pengganti
Haru makin terasa, saat Bupati Lebak, Iti Octavia Jayabaya, menghampiri dan mengucapkan selamat secara langsung kepada para penerima SK yang tadinya adalah tenaga honorer.

Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak menyerahkan SK pengangkatan kepada 1.585 CPNS dan tenaga honorer.

Dengan rincian, CPNS sebanyak 192 orang, tenaga honorer non guru sebanyak 39 orang, dan yang terbanyak tenaga guru honorer sebanyak 1.354 orang.

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