On Wednesday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the third and final garden party traditionally hosted by the Queen during the summer. Kate, 40, and Prince William, 39, were joined by Princess Beatrice, Prince Edward, and Sophie, Countess of Wessex at the event on the grounds of Buckingham Palace. The couple braved rain showers to lead the event in the run-up to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend. Kate recycled a pale blue dress crafted by her private dressmaker as she welcomed guests under a matching umbrella. She debuted the chic outfit at Prince Charles’ 50th anniversary of his investiture in 2019. Royal fans were full of praise for the Duke and Duchess, who stepped up to take ...
#DidQueen, #proudKate, #William, #hailed, #royal, #fans, #stepping, #frail, #monarch
#headlines, #autoplay_video, #katemiddleton, #katenews, #duchessofcambridge, #princewilliam, #gardenparty, #queenelizabethii, #platinumjubilee
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