A taskforce to drive internal reforms was announced by Sonia Gandhi on Sunday as the Congress held the last day of its 3-day Chintan Shivir with an eye on the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Among the highlights of the brainstorming session was the announcement of a nationwide ‘Kashmir to Kanyakumari Bharat Jodo’ yatra by the party in October. “We have to revive our connection with people and need to accept that it was broken down. We will strengthen it, this will not happen with any short-cut, it requires hard work… The Congress will take out a nationwide yatra in October to strengthen connections with people," Rahul Gandhi said. ‘One family, one ticket’ rule was another significant highlight at the Chintan Shivir with a caveat that those who have worked for five years in the organisation can be eligible for poll tickets. In this episode of the Editorial, our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the matter.
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