Many self-improvement 'gurus' lead people to believe that, once you follow their course of action, life will be plain sailing - only good things will happen 'life will simply be one wonderful moment after the next. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I recently got a call from one of my clients, John. The very first words down the 'phone were I've lost all my money - what am I going to do? What am I going to tell Erika? - his wife! After I had established that it was John on the 'phone - and, indeed, that I was the first person he had called, I asked him what was going on, pointing out to him that nobody loses all their money. Oh I have he said in a panic. I asked him did he still have his home - Yes he replied. Do you still have your holiday home - and your business? - more Yeses. So, you haven't lost all your money, have you? I asked.
What happened was that one of his bigger stock market bets had backfired - and, even then, he hadn't lost the entire investment.