WIDWID Asia: He went from rearing pigs to growing dragon fruits

AsiaOne 2022-04-29

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Full story: https://www.asiaone.com/lifestyle/he-went-rearing-pigs-building-dragon-fruit-empire

Meet Tang Chon Kok, who started off as a swineherd and now owns a dragon fruit farm spanning over five acres. Many laughed at the Malaysian when he first got into dragon fruit farming. After 20 years, he has gained a following of loyal customers and is known for his delicious fruits.

Why I Do What I Do is an original AsiaOne series where we showcase people with uncommon professions and what it takes to get there. In Why I Do What I Do: Asia, a nine-part spin-off, we scour the region for more unconventional jobs and the stories of the people behind them.

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