Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5 - Yu - Challenge Mode

Tacio Vinicius 2022-03-30

Views 5

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Yu Narukami

Challenge 01: 00:00
Challenge 02: 00:04
Challenge 03: 00:10
Challenge 04: 00:13
Challenge 05: 00:16
Challenge 06: 00:20
Challenge 07: 00:23
Challenge 08: 00:27
Challenge 09: 00:34
Challenge 10: 00:39
Challenge 11: 01:01
Challenge 12: 01:10
Challenge 13: 01:13
Challenge 14: 01:19
Challenge 15: 01:25
Challenge 16: 01:30
Challenge 17: 01:34
Challenge 18: 01:41
Challenge 19: 01:50
Challenge 20: 02:01
Challenge 20 Training Mode: 02:12
Challenge 21: 02:27
Challenge 22: 02:38
Challenge 23: 02:46
Challenge 24: 02:59
Challenge 25 Training Mode: 03:17
Challenge 25: 03:38
Challenge 25 Demo: 03:58
Challenge 26: 04:19
Challenge 27: 04:26
Challenge 28: 04:38
Challenge 29: 04:52
Challenge 30 Training Mode: 05:08
Challenge 30: 05:28
Challenge 30 Demo: 05:49

- The beginning is the hardest part because there is a bigger delay between both 'A' commands. After that just follow the persona rhythm doing the next attack when the previous is still hitting.

- The last super can be done more easily by holding the A button until the 'SP' sign appears in the screen.

- There is a hidden detail on this challenge. In order to get a cross up 214B, you have to do something like this: 214D (3 hits), hold 6 (forward), (while still holding 6) OMC, quickly do 214B.
- This works because activating OMC while holding forward activates an automatic run. And in this combo, you are supposed to use the momentum from this run do make 214B go further, causing the cross up.

- There are 3 hard links in this challenge: AB~D into j. D; j.D into jC and 214A into 5A. As far as I understood there is no delays in this part. You have to do everything as early as possible.

- Combo: dash (optional), BD, 214214C (must hit in cross up), 5A, 5C, OMB, run, 214214C (must hit in cross up), 2B, 5C, 236A, BD, 214214C.

- Combo from the demo (not tested): 214B (cross up), 214214C, 2B, OMB, 214D, 214214C (cross up), 2B, 5C, 236A, BD, 214214C.

- Walk forward a bit before doing 5C after Shadow Frenzy.

- Cancel BD in the first hit.
- Hold forward during the OMC to active an automatic run.
- 5C after the OMC must to be perfectly timed. You need to wait Yu turn around to the right and try to hit the dummy as high as possible to make the super do the cross up that will keep the dummy in the corner.
- 214B (after 5C, 2C) must to be slightly delayed in order to hit.

- Combo: 214B (cross up), 2B (1 hit only), 214D (1 hit only), Shadow Frenzy, (cross up) 214214C, 2B (1 hit only), 214D (1 hit only), (cross up) 214214CD, 2B (1 or 2 hits), 214214CD.

- Combo from the demo (not tested): 214B (hits in front), 214D (1 hit only), Shadow Frenzy, microdash 2B (1 hit only), 214214C, microdash 2B (1 hit only), 214D (1 hit only), (cross up) 214214CD, 2B (1 hit only)

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