Cancer symptoms: Haematuria is the 'most common' sign of a growing tumour in the bladder

Meta News 2022-03-21

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Cancer cells that proliferate in the bladder can form potentially lethal tumors. Will you spot an early warning sign that affects more than 10,000 people in the UK every year?
#Cancersymptoms #Haematuria #mostcommon
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One of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer, as pointed out by the charity Macmillan Cancer Support, is haematuria, which is the medical term for finding blood in urine. The bladder – a hollow and muscular organ – is responsible for collecting and storing urine. Hence why urinary issues, such as blood in the urine, develops when cancer is growing in the bladder.

Blood in the urine may come on very suddenly, and the symptom may come and go.

"Your pee (urine) may look pink, red or sometimes brown," Macmillan pointed out.

There may also be streaks or clots of blood in the urine, but it is entirely possible for the blood to microscopic, meaning you can not see it with the naked eye.

Other urinary issues include the need to rush off to the toilet to urinate (urgency) or the need to urinate more frequently.

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