Distribution of allowances without a card in Pantikhari village panchayat!

NK NEWS ODISHA 2022-01-28

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Distribution of allowances without a card in Pantikhari village panchayat!

Odgaon: 28/01/2022 (Reporting by Rabindra Kumar Sahu): Some villagers came and cordoned off the panchayat on hearing that special allowances were being distributed without a card while the allowances were being distributed in Pantikhari gram panchayat under Odgaon Adarsh ​​police station in Nayagarh district. At the same time, Nayagarh BJP leader Irani Rai was begging for votes when villagers came and distributed unnamed allowances.

Hearing the allegations, Irani Ray reached out to the panchayat and discussed the matter with the VLW. Asked by anyone who had distributed such allowances during the meeting, Irani Rai said that he had said the video. But the video itself did not come and sent it to one of his employees. "We have not been instructed to distribute the allowance without a card," he said. There is evidence that some people on the list have W C written on their signatures.

After the villagers' confession was over, V L W, who had confessed to the crime, was rushed to the Odgaon Adarsh ​​police station, where he was rescued and taken to the police station.

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