Indonesia Millennial Summit 2019

IDN Media 2021-10-31

Views 187

Time is running out, we need to ACT NOW!

Be part of #IMS2019, attend more than 20 sessions by more than 50 peakers who are leaders in their respected discipline. They will be sharing challenges and solutions for the better future.

Jusuf Kalla, Jenderal TNI (Purn.) Moeldoko, Maudy Ayunda, Najwa Shihab, Victor R. Hartono, Susi Pudjiastuti, Tri Rismaharini, and more will be joining the event. Don't miss it!

Indonesia Millennial Summit 2019
Kempinski Jakarta Grand Ballroom
19 January 2019
08:00 - 18:00 WIB

Visit to get more info about #IMS2019!

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