FISH ALIGATORS Launching the official website of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, alligator fish are fish whose original habitat comes from the Amazon River in the United States. This fish is banned in Indonesia because it is considered to endanger the ecosystem. Alligator fish is called a dangerous type of fish because it can prey on other fish Some Foods Are Main Alligators Small fish. Small fish or fish fry are the main food for alligator fish. ... Pellets. Another crocodile fish food is pellets. ... 3. Chicken. Chicken meat is also one of the best feeds for alligator fish. ... 4. Crab. ... Shrimp. ... 6. Conch. ... 7. Scallops. ... 8. Worms. #RumahAquaticQ #AlligatorFish #FishAlligator #Decorative fish #Aquatic Fish #FishAquarium #relaxation #fish alligator fish, alligator, spatula, monster fish experiment feeding alligator gar fish with lizards, feeding alligator gar fish, feeding alligator gar, feeding alligator gar, alligator fish eating, alligator fish eating lizard, alligator fish, alligator gar, alligator gar, alligator fish gar vs, fish predator, freshwater predatory fish, wildlife, alligator fish vs piranha, alligator gar vs toman fish, alligator gar fish in aquarium, piranha vs, feed alligator gar fish, largest alligator fish piranhas, piranhas vs, piranhas vs alligators, alligators vs piranhas, piranhas