Dahi ke Kebab is one the famous Kebab Recipe from Lucknow, .To make the kebab Recipe we need to hang curd atleast for 8 to 10 hrs so it's drain out all the water, and keep it in a cool place so it doesn't get fermentation. Well this are the few small points to make Dahi ke kebab, so without wasting any time let's make Dahi ke Kebab.
Team :-
Host :- Chef Saurabh
Concept :- Honeybite
Venue Partner:- Badayas Kitchen
Photographer:- Himanshu
Editing: - Nitesh Pandey
Social Media Links :-
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/HoneyBiteCoo...
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/honey_bite
Linkedin:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/honey-bit...
#dahikekebab #kebabreceipe #honeybite