(Kt Kanda) is a Nepali Comedy short movie produced by Colleges Nepal.
Jibesh Singh Gurung
Sunisha BajaGain
Kanchan Khadka
Yugjyoti Kriyashi
BabuRaja Manandhar
Concept/Written/Directed/Edited by Jibesh Singh Gurung
Casting Director - Jibesh Singh Gurung
Production - Ram Dhital
Srijan Shah
Sailendra Basnet
Concept/Written/Directed/Edited by Jibesh Singh Gurung
Casting Director - Jibesh Singh Gurung
We would appreciate all kinds of feedback from the audiences of Colleges Nepal and would request to subscribe our channel to help us grow further.
#CollegeNepal #AAjkalKoLove #JibeshSinghGurung