Underestimate - A Short Film by Mohsin Talat - An Original Production by Digital Entertainment World
As they say the real asset is Beauty with Brains. This story is of a girl who is complacent on her looks and ends up losing something ….. rather more than something.
Director: Mohsin Talat
Writer: Zoha Hassan
Producer: Uzma Mohsin
Executive Producer: Khalid Khan
Starring: Rida Isfahani, Yousra Khan, Waqas Khan, Farooq Jawed, Mohsin Wajid
#Underestimate #MohsinTalat #RidaIsfahani #KhalidKhan #DigitalEntertainmentWorld #DEW #Original #ZohaHassan #UzmaMohsin #YousraKhan #WaqasKhan #FarooqJawed #MohsinWajid #ShortFilm