The film begins in a common Halloween setting with people dressed in Halloween costumes who casually walks by; one man who seems to have not worn a costume says hi to one of the people wearing one but after that he walks a little farther to discover Jester casually waiting.
He approaches him and Jester halts him, a little nervous the man says hello in an unsure manner as Jester lowers his top hat by greeting him. Jester gets close and does a trick by pulling candy from the man's ear, the man replies "nice very good and says thank you have a nice night". Just as he was about to leave however, Jester pulls out an array of Cards from his hands. Jester then covers his eyes wanting to show the man another trick by guessing his card; the man reluctantly chooses the card and Jester initially wanted him to shuffle them but eventually he decides to do it himself.
After shuffling the cards Jester lets the man pull one and it turns out the trick was accurate much to Jester's excitement. However, the man didn't applaud nor did he seem interested and he says "and that's all" in a slow and undertone voice. Jester slowly looks up with tension and anger he snatches the card from the man and takes out a knife; the man watches and wonders if he is simply going to stab him but Jester instead cuts his arm and rubs the card on the blood. He then magically flicks the man's chest as he finds the card in his chest pocket. The man now freaked out backs up as Jester casually bows and he tries to run only to find Jester behind him, he then attempts to run again only to trip abruptly due to Jester's power.
Then out of nowhere, Jester makes a car come using his hands, while it may have looked like an average person hit him, it was Jester in disguise. The man now injured and limping tries again to run only for Jester to be casually waiting around twirling handcuffs, the man trips again this time with his shoe laces tied and the handcuffs around his arms. The man angrily tries to free himself but it's no use. Jester then pulls out a mask and puts it on the man's face and decides to do one last trick only this time the man is the act. Jester brings out a black sheet and throws it over the man, he then lifts it fast and what was once a man is now gone as Jester made him disappear.
Jester then casually walks to two other trick or treaters who are wearing Costumes, he shows them a card trick which makes them applaud and clap for Jesters trick which satisfies Jester as he walks away from them.