Supreme Court on June 22 said the Andhra Pradesh government cannot keep the decision of board exams “hanging fire” if it is confident of holding these when other states have decided to cancel. The top court asked the advocate appearing for the state to submit an affidavit in two days. The court warned it will hold the state of Andhra Pradesh responsible if there is any fatality due to the decision of holding these exams. SC dismissed a plea challenging the decision of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) & Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) to cancel the board examinations this year owing to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. The top court also dismissed all challenges mounted to the new assessment policies that have been devised by CBSE & CISCE for computation of marks. When the petitioner Anshul Gupta asked why board exams have to be cancelled even when competitive examinations like IIT-JEE or CLAT can be held physically, SC said the decision should be left to the discretion of each individual board. The Supreme Court also rejected a plea by private and compartment students against CBSE decision to hold offline examinations for them. Watch the video to know more.