"मुसलमान को मारने के लिए आपको तैयार नहीं किया जा रहा है. एक दिन किसी को भी मारने के लिए आपका इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा. झारखंड में बच्चा चोरी की अफ़वाह में नईम और हलीम के साथ उत्तम और गंगेश को भी मारा गया."
On June 9, 2017, Basit Malik, a reporter for Caravan magazine, went on a reporting assignment to Sonia Vihar in Delhi where there is a dispute between some Muslim and Hindu residents of the neighbourhood over a piece of land. As soon as it became known that he was a Muslim, Malik was attacked by a mob and handed over to the police, who were told a ‘Pakistani’ had been caught ‘without papers’. Read excerpts of the comments made by the award-winning NDTV India news anchor Ravish Kumar at a meeting organised by the Press Club of India, Delhi on June 24, 2017 to protest the attack on Basit Malik and the climate of intolerance that is being fostered against the media.
Hindi transcript: http://thewirehindi.com/11927/ravish-kumar-democracy-media/
English transcript: https://thewire.in/151348/media-freedom-ravish-india/