Even before its release, Manoj Bajpayee’s Amazon Prime Video series The Family Man Season 2 has landed in a soup. As per the Tamil Nadu government, the Raj and DK show ‘depicts the Eelam Tamils in a highly objectionable manner’. On May 24, the Tamil Nadu government wrote a letter to Information and Broadcast Minister Prakash Javadekar saying that The Family Man Season 2’s release on Amazon Prime Video must be halted, not just in the state, but across the country. Claiming there were \"condemnable, inappropriate and malicious contents\" in the serial, Tamil Nadu IT Minister T Mano Thangaraj said the trailer released on social media was aimed at discrediting and distorting the historical struggle of the Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka. In another part of the two-page letter, the state government suggested that casting Samantha Akkineni, who is a ‘Tamil-speaking actor’, as a terrorist is another folly committed by the makers intentionally. Raj and DK, the directors of Amazon Prime Video web series The Family Man Season 2, have responded to the calls for banning the series, noting that assumptions have been made based on a few shots in the trailer. The Family Man 2 is set to premiere on June 4 on Amazon Prime Video.