The preaching from the Lord God Almighty is as high as the heavens above the preaching of men Isaiah 55:8, 9. The subjective truth of men is the cause of human suffering Gen. 2:17; Jeremiah 10:23; Rom. 3:4. For 6 days (times 356 x 6,000) God allowed men to do things our way to see if we could save ourselves and for 1 day (times 365 x 1,000) God will do things His way. Only the preaching by Christ of God's objective truth brings salvation Isaiah 52:7 and freedom from the subjective truth of men John 8:32; Eph. 4:14. The first age of the 1,000 years of objective truth/the Rod of Iron/Christ's preaching ruling over men was divided by the apostasy of men's subjective truth which began in 340 AD and has lasted until now 2 Thess. 2:3-11. Objective truth from God Almighty is so exceedingly abundantly powerful Eph. 3:20; Isaiah 55:8,9 and the distinction between objective truth and subjective truth so exceedingly simple a concept to grasp that men could never have stood up against God if He had not given to us a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11 and hidden objective truth 1 Cor. 2:7 and His face from man Ezek. 39:25-29. Mankind is once again emerging out of the spiritual dark ages of the subjective truth of men. Once again Christ's power, majesty, and authority are being revealed. The Second Age of the Kingdom is at hand Eph. 2:17. The times of ignorance God overlooked. But now He commands all men everywhere to repent Acts 17:30. The Second Age of the Kingdom is at hand Eph. 2:17. rumble under n5rkss telegram @ purchase a New Testament: To support this work;