Telangana Traffic Cop's Kindness To Street Kids, Offers His Lunch To Homeless Kids; Video Goes Viral

LatestLY 2021-05-21

Views 468

As India continues to struggle the ongoing pandemic, it is the acts of kindness and humanity that has been the silver lining. A traffic constable in Hyderabad, Mahesh Kumar has won many hearts by his kind act. He received a lot of appreciation from both the police department as well as the public after a video of him went viral, where he was seen offering his lunch box to two children on the streets. The incident took place on May 17 when Kumar was on night patrolling duty near Somajiguda. This entire incident was recorded by his colleague Sudheer which he later shared in his WhatsApp groups from where it went viral. However, Sudheer said that he did not expect that his video would be shared extensively and become viral. Twitter users showered their love on this compassionate act by the cop.

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