As more and more people get Covid-19 in the country with India's Covid R rate or reproductive rate at 1.44, questions are being raised about whether we are arriving at herd immunity.
Experts weigh in on the swathes of Indian population, young and old who are down with Covid-19. The exposure to the infection to SARS CoV 2 is at an all time high with the Reproductive rate at a shocking 1.44% of the population which means one infected patient is infecting one and a half people.
The last sero survey done in India shows that more than 21% of India's adult population has been exposed to Covid-19.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) noted that 21.4% of 28,589 people surveyed above 18 years of age showed exposure to the virus. But it also added that a large part of the population is still vulnerable to Covid-19. This means that we are still far from herd immunity.