Centre has put out guidelines for states on enforcing lockdowns & containment zones to try & flatten the curve amid spiralling Covid-19 cases. The rules say it is time for restrictions when the positivity rate is 10 per cent or more for a week & when more than 60 per cent hospital beds are occupied. States have been urged to go for an intensive, local and focused containment network in districts, cities & areas based on the parameters specified by the Union Home Ministry. Where or when to go for a lockdown, or what the home ministry calls a "large containment zone", has to be based on evidence & analysis of the population affected, the geographical spread, hospital infrastructure, manpower & the ease of enforcing boundaries, says the home ministry note. States have been given a broad framework for an "objective, transparent, and epidemiologically sound decision-making\" on imposing a lockdown. Restrictions have to be enforced for at least 14 days. Watch the video to know more.