Eski Antalya - Old Antalya / Eski Türkiye - Old Turkey (Renkli - Colorized) 1910'larla 1980'ler arası görüntüler / fotoğraflar - Images / photos between 1910's and 19800's

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About Antalya

Antalya is the 6th biggest province of Turkey and it is located in the west Mediterranean. Its neighbours are Mersin and Karaman in the East, Isparta and Iğdır. Because of the suitibility of climate and developing tourism, Antalya is the most crowded city of Turkey. Economy of the city consists of tourism, agriculture and trade.

Archaeological excavations around Antalya shows that there were people lived this area 40.000 years ago. From the date of 2000 B. C these civilisations ruled in this city one by one; Hittite, Pamphylia, Lykia, Cilicia, Persians, Macedonia Kingdom (Alexander the Great, Antigonos, Ptolemais, Seleucid Empire and Pergamum Kingdom. Then Byzantines ruled in the city before Seljuq Empire.

When Antalya was the land of Ottoman Empire, some rebellions which were called “Şahkulu Rebellion, Celali Rebellions and Körbey Rebellion” occurred in the city. After an agreement in World War II, Italia owed Antalya. However, this ownership did not go well and Turks got the city again.

-- Siyah-beyaz ve renklendirilmiş yüksek çözünürlüklü eski Antalya fotoğrafları ile şehrin tarihinde kısa bir yolculuğa çıkacaksınız. 1910'lu yıllardan 1980'li yıllara en nostaljik görüntüler.--

--Eski zamanların en geniş tarih ve nostalji arşivi için kanalımızı takip edebilirsiniz.--

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